Everyone needs a resume; what you do with it is up to you. To help you stand out, here are a few tips from our digital marketing experts:

  • “Demonstrate that you can produce results and work in a fast-paced environment, whether you’ve had previous digital experience or not. 
  • “One way you can make your resume stand out is to get certified. Google has a certification program for Adwords. I just took this exam. If you plan on taking this exam make sure to study !!
  • Use LinkedIn !! LinkedIn is like your digital resume. Make sure the facts match up. Also, Google your name to see what comes up.
  • Use keywords to describe your previous experience that make sense for the specific job you’re applying for

There is so much that goes into SEO. Here is a simple check list to follow when doing SEO
This is a really NEAT Video. It really sums up all you need to know about digital marketing. It has GREAT background music !! 
There are 500,000,000 active Facebook users on earth. Everyone and their mother is on Facebook. I use Facebook for a social connection. I am able to connect with friend from all over the world with a click of a button.
 Facebook is seen as a social connection, but can it really be used for research. My sources say YES !! Facebook can be a great source of research if used correctly. To be use Facebook as a research tool you must know your target audience. Who are they?  What do they like? What do they dislike? Where do they live? Once you have answered these questions you can narrow your search. Setting a criteria for your search is only the first step of your Facebook research. Next studied their posts and common interest among the target market. By finding common activities and interest of your target market you can then decide optimal product placement. 
This process may seem long and painstaking, but the result are worth it. I find the Facebook research works best with small businesses and local events. The best part of it all is that it's free. To find out more are Facebook research CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO !!